KEY WEST, FL -- This time of year, living in North Idaho ain't so hot -- literally. The Idaho Panhandle is having what's politely termed, "a late spring." No spring at all, is more like it. It was snowing at the Spokane Airport the day I left for the Florida Keys.

This is a trip my husband and I had planned for a long time before he passed away. He wanted to fly here, rent a Harley, then ride the 90-mile Overseas Highway from mainland Florida to Key West. It's hard to believe it's been nearly a year since he crashed his bike and died on the same day my mom passed away. It's a good thing I'm able now to hear the rumble of Harleys passing by without "losing it." There are hundreds of Harley riders here who must have had the same idea as my husband. I can see where it would be a beautiful ride.
So, don't worry if you don't hear from me again for a few days. I'm busy working on my tan.